In the event of my death…

On a whim, I thought of what I want done with my body when I die, which hopefully isn’t for another half century or more, but who’s to say? Since I’m sure wordpress will be around for that long, I’m putting it on here.
I hereby request to, upon my death, be interred in perpetuity in one of the following three ways, the first being preferred if at all possible at the time of my death, followed by the second, and then the third.
1. Put me in a tiny little rocket box and fire me off into the universe in a random direction. Maybe directed at a distant galaxy…
2. Bury me in a biodegradable shroud and plant a tree over me. Do not use any formaldehyde or non-biodegradable chemicals to preserve my body. I’m dead, I’m gonna get worse looking, just accept it. I prefer a place where the root system won’t disturb nearby graves, so something outside a designated public graveyard would be great. It probably shouldn’t be a fruit tree, since it might feel a little weird to eat fruit from it. On second thought, go ahead and make it a fruit tree. But pick something like apples at least. Or oranges, if the climate is right. Oranges are awesome.
3. If neither the rocket nor the tree burial can be worked out, cremate me and spread me over the Pacific. Anywhere is fine, since I’ll likely cover parts of the whole ocean floor at some point.

One comment

  1. That tree deal is totally a growing trend in Sweden. There’s this chick who built a corporation marketed to being an eco-friendly form of body removal.

    I want to be donated. TO SCIENCE.

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